Call for urgent reform of council funding
An outdated and complex funding model is hindering councils’ ability to plan effectively and meet the growing needs of their communities, according to a new report.
An outdated and complex funding model is hindering councils’ ability to plan effectively and meet the growing needs of their communities, according to a new report.
The Government is launching an adult social care commission to “build cross-party consensus” for its proposed new national care service.
The Government has temporarily extended the ‘move on’ period – the time between an asylum seeker receiving a decision on their application and having to leave Home Office-funded accommodation – from 28 days to 56 days.
An extra half a billion pounds in annual local roads funding for councils has been pledged by the Government, from this April.
More than 1,200 people from fields including local government, education, fire and rescue services, the police, health, and voluntary sector, and ranging from chief executives to foster carers, were recognised in the King’s New Year Honours List for 2025.
Councils are key to solving many of the national challenges highlighted by the Prime Minister in his ‘plan for change’, ‘launched in December, the LGA has said.
The number of public electric vehicle (EV) charge points is currently on course to meet the minimum 300,000 needed across the UK by 2030, but challenges remain on locations, accessibility and wider barriers such as planning rules.
Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Chris Whitty’s annual report has set out a series of recommendations to address health in cities, particularly for people living in areas of deprivation.