Vape ban ‘needs heftier fines’

Under the Government’s plans, businesses caught selling disposable vapes after the ban has come into force could be given a fixed penalty notice of £100.

The LGA is warning that a minority of irresponsible businesses might see this as a price worth paying to continue to sell the products, post-ban.

It is calling on ministers to amend the Tobacco and Vapes Bill to allow councils to impose heftier fines to prevent the illegal sale of disposable vapes, as well as enforce the new ‘age of sale’ legislation on tobacco products.

Councils are also calling for new duties on vaping liquid, announced in the Budget, to be used to fund local environmental, public health and enforcement services.

Cllr Kaya Comer-Schwartz, the LGA’s Public Health Spokesperson, said: “We’re delighted that the Government is taking decisive action to ban disposable vapes.

“However, proposed penalties will be a drop in the ocean to a minority of unscrupulous businesses looking to make a quick buck after the ban comes into place.

“Allowing councils to issue bigger fines would act as a strong deterrent and ensure the ban on disposable vapes is effective, as well as creating a new smokefree generation.”


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