LGA to produce local government white paper

The LGA has begun work to develop firm proposals for a Local Government White Paper, to be published before the next General Election.

Cllr Shaun Davies, in his first speech as LGA Chair at its recent annual conference, set out an ambition to develop a plan for a new local deal in the first King’s Speech after the election.

He also wants to secure a central-local partnership in which local government can work to its full potential for local people, places and the planet. 

The LGA’s White Paper will present a clear vision for the future of local government, based on priorities from the public, councils and local communities.

It will assess how local government can deliver the best for communities and set out a series of recommendations for whoever forms the next government. 

The work will be underpinned by the LGA’s Make It Local campaign, which outlines how local government is key to delivering solutions to the biggest issues for the public.

Cllr Davies told conference delegates: “Over the summer, throughout party conference season, and right up to the next General Election, we will be making the case to Make It Local.

“I want to see a Local Government Act from local government for local communities. And I want to work with a Westminster government that values a trusted, respectful and equal relationship with local government.” 

The LGA will look to consult with its member councils, professional associations, stakeholders and the public in the autumn, to inform the White Paper.


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