Housing standards letter sent to councils 

All local authorities have been asked to review housing conditions in their area, following the tragic death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak as a result of mould in his family home.

Housing Secretary Michael Gove has written to council leaders and chief executives, highlighting the need to ensure rented properties in all sectors are of a decent standard.

In his letter, he urges councils to do “everything in their power” to prioritise the improvement of housing conditions for millions of private and social tenants.

Councils are being asked to supply local assessments of damp and mould issues, and the action that needs to be taken.

Cllr David Renard, the LGA’s Housing Spokesperson, said: “Councils fully support efforts to inspect homes and drive up standards in both the social housing and private rented sector, and want to work with government to ensure that the data capture is effective.

“A legally binding decent homes standard to improve conditions in the private rented sector is a positive step, but councils at present lack the flexibility to use licensing to full effect.

“Removing the requirement for Secretary of State approval for larger schemes would allow councils to regulate the private rented sector more effectively, and councils would benefit from better data with a national registration system of all landlords.”

The LGA continues to support councils to improve their housing management services and engagement with tenants and residents through the delivery of a social housing management peer challenge and promotion of best practice, as part of its sector-led improvement offer.


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