‘Devolve employment support to councils’ – LGA

People’s job prospects post-pandemic would have been better if councils and devolved authorities had been able to take the lead on supporting them, the LGA has said in response to a report on the Government’s Restart programme.

The scheme has ended up costing more per person and helping fewer long-term unemployed than planned, according to the House of Commons’ Public Accounts Committee. 

Participants face a duplicative and inefficient experience; the scheme’s design meant many most in need were unable to access it; and the Department for Work and Pension’s weak knowledge and management of contracted providers adds to difficulties, committee members concluded.  

Cllr Kevin Bentley, Chairman of the LGA’s People and Places Board, said people’s job prospects would have improved if support had been devolved, allowing councils and devolved authorities to use their local knowledge, connections and expertise.

He added: “The report highlights there were missed opportunities to use the underspend for Restart to address the rising scale of economic inactivity, which now presents the biggest gap in the workforce.

“Instead of large providers covering vast areas, which we know can lead to capability and capacity issues, all contracted employment support should be devolved to local government.

“This would lead to more integrated services, better targeting of investment, provision of wraparound support such as on housing, health, training and debt management and working with local and national partners, all of which can be done within a national framework.”


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