Council-maintained schools outperform academies

Schools that stay with their council have continued to outperform those that converted to academies, research commissioned by the LGA has revealed.

A recent report analysing Ofsted inspections by school type has found 93 per cent of council-maintained schools in England were rated ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’ as of 31 January 2023, compared with 87 per cent of academies that were graded since they converted.

The LGA says this demonstrates why councils should be given powers to open new maintained schools, and is a reminder of the excellent track record of councils in school improvement and maintaining educational standards.

The report, by Angel Solutions, also found that since 2018, 72 per cent of council-maintained schools have retained their outstanding rating, compared with 60 per cent of outstanding academies that received inspections in their current form and did not inherit grades from their former maintained school status.

And while 57 per cent of academies that were an academy in August 2018 improved to good or outstanding, 73 per cent of maintained schools did so from the same starting point

Cllr Louise Gittins, Chair of the LGA’s Children and Young People Board, said: “Our research is a reminder of the superb performance of council-maintained schools, and yet further evidence of why councils should be allowed to open their own schools again.

“Councils want to ensure that every child gets the very best education and schooling in life. That is why it is vital they are given a central role in providing education and that government recognises councils as the excellent education partner they are.”


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