500,000 ‘waiting for adult social care’

More than half a million people are waiting for an adult social care assessment, for care or a direct payment to begin, or for a review of their care, according to a recent survey.

The LGA said the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services’ “alarming” survey illustrates the huge everyday challenges adult social care continues to face, and the impact on people who need care.

It is calling for a greater proportion of the new health and social care levy to go directly towards social care now, to reflect the urgency of the situation and help deal with immediate pressures.

Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “Social care is facing significant and sustained challenges. After years of chronic underfunding and increasing pressure, the current system is struggling to cope with demand. 

“While it is positive the Government has set out longer-term reforms to adult social care, there is an urgent need to address immediate pressures facing social care in the here and now, including on capacity, recruitment and retention, care worker pay and on unmet and under-met need.

“No council wants to have to limit or reduce care and support services but, as a result of significant financial pressures and workforce shortages, councils are having to make very difficult decisions about how, and where best, to allocate available resources and capacity.”


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