Turning the tide for coastal communities

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and worsened the socio-economic problems that uniquely affect our coastal communities. 

On top of this, coastal communities are at the sharp end of climate change, with homes, businesses, infrastructure and, most importantly, lives increasingly at risk.  

I have seen these issues first hand in my ward, and have been working hard for my community for more than 20 years. 

When I joined the LGA Coastal Special Interest Group (SIG), as representative for South Tyneside Council in 2008, I realised how widespread these issues were, and the immense value that membership of the SIG brings. 

I now had access to national experience and expertise on the problems I was facing locally, as well as a means of raising local issues upwards to central government with the collective power of a united coastal voice. 

The LGA Coastal SIG is a well-established group concerned with coastal issues. We have a cross-party membership of 56 coastal local authorities from all around England and, together, we cover nearly 60 per cent of England’s coastline.  

When I was elected Chairman of the SIG in 2019, my ambition was to mobilise our membership – elected members and our expert officers – to work together for the communities that we serve. 

Over the past 16 months, I have done so, appointing member champions for our key policy areas and establishing expert working groups that innovate practical and policy solutions to widespread problems, including beach and water safety, coastal erosion and flooding, coastal landfills, and bathing-water quality. These groups are open to all our members. 

“We will be working to ensure the levelling up agenda is delivered at the coast”

In 2021, the LGA Coastal SIG is moving forwards with an ambitious plan to drive change with our communities. 

I am pleased to announce that we have been appointed as co-Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Coastal Communities. We will be working with this cross-party group of coastal MPs to ensure the Government’s levelling up agenda is delivered at the coast, and that we build back better after the pandemic. 

Together with our partners, we will be leading an inquiry for this APPG, bringing together experts and local voices to recommend the policy solutions needed to deliver a resilient future for coastal communities. 

We will be planning this inquiry over the coming months, starting with a dedicated discussion at our next quarterly meeting of the SIG, on 25 March 2021, to be held on Zoom. Non-member councils are invited to join us for this session on a one-time-only invitation. 

In 2021, we have an historic opportunity to turn the tide for our coastal communities, and the LGA Coastal SIG is leading the way. We have written to the Prime Minister calling for the appointment of a dedicated minister for coastal communities and are fighting for ring-fenced recovery funding for the coast. 

Without action, coastal communities stand to fall further behind, and the need for a united coastal voice is stronger than ever before. All councils are welcome to join us, and membership currently costs less than £1 a day. 


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