Take care of yourselves

We are working more from home and, sorry to say, for longer periods of time. 

For many of us, COVID-19 has resulted in more work and greater demands on our time, and the time of our partners and families. 

For the most part, we are too busy to think about ourselves. I am asking you to stop and do just that – now – for five or 10 minutes.

“Don’t be afraid to say you are not going to another Zoom or Teams meeting

It is important we recognise that how we are working as councillors is affecting our mental health and ensure we are taking care of ourselves and our colleagues. 

So here are some of my tips: 

  • Maintain a positive work/life balance and encourage your team to do the same. It is easier to say than do – we are all working longer hours and taking fewer breaks.
  • Diary those breaks and, if you can, try to get some fresh air. 
  • Don’t be afraid to say you are not going to another Zoom or Teams meeting. It’s important you look after your own wellbeing. If you are well, you can also be there to support others if required.
  • Check in with the people you care about.
  • Challenge your councils about providing support for councillors. I have always believed that councils have a duty of care to their councillors as much as to their staff.
  • Enjoy Christmas and the new year and have a break. 

Best wishes and stay safe.


Planning for the future

Councils for fair tax
